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Paginated Search

In this guide, we will explain how to perform paginated search queries using the FHIR specification. Specifically, we will discuss using the _count parameter to set the page size, the _offset parameter to set the page offset, and the field to retrieve subsequent pages.

Setting the page size with the _count parameter

To set the number of items returned per page, use the _count query parameter. In the Medplum API, the default page size is 20, and the maximum allowed page size is 1000.

Here's an example query that sets the page size to 50:

await medplum.searchResources('Patient', { _count: '50' });

In this example, the search will return up to 50 Patient resources per page.

Setting the page offset with the _offset parameter

To set the page offset, or the starting point of the search results, use the _offset query parameter. This allows you to skip a certain number of items before starting to return results.

Here's an example query that sets the page offset to 30:

await medplum.searchResources('Patient', { _count: '50', _offset: '30' });

In this example, the search will return up to 50 Patient resources per page, starting from the 31st item in the result set.

Getting the total number of results with _total

To include the total count of matching resources in the search response, you need to use the _total parameter in your search query. This information is particularly useful for pagination and understanding the scope of the data you are dealing with.

The _total parameter can have three values: accurate, estimate, and none.

none (Default)No total is returned
estimateTells the Medplum server that you are willing to accept an approximate count. This is usually faster than the accurate option as it may use database statistics or other methods for estimating the total number without scanning the entire dataset. This option is particularly useful when you need a rough idea of the number of resources without requiring precision.
accurateThe Medplum server will perform additional processing to calculate the exact number of resources that match the search criteria. This can be more time-consuming, especially for large datasets, but you will receive a precise count. Use this option when an exact number is crucial for your use case.

By default, searches the response do not include totals. Choosing between accurate and estimate depends on your specific requirements. For large datasets, using estimate can significantly improve response times, but at the cost of precision.

Example Query Here is an example of how to use the _total parameter in a search query:

await'Patient', { name: 'Smith', _total: 'accurate' });

This query will search for patients with the name "smith" and will return a Bundle with the accurate total number of matching resources included.

const response: Bundle = {
resourceType: 'Bundle',
id: 'bundle-id',
type: 'searchset',
total: 15,
entry: [
fullUrl: '',
resource: {
resourceType: 'Patient',
// ...
fullUrl: '',
resource: {
resourceType: 'Patient',
// ...
// ...
// ...

When you perform a paginated search, the response will be a Bundle resource containing a list of resources matching the query. The Bundle resource will also have a link field containing navigation links to help you traverse through the search results.

The field will include the following relations:

  • self: The URL of the current search results page.
  • first: The URL of the first page of search results.
  • previous: The URL of the previous page of search results (if applicable).
  • next: The URL of the next page of search results (if applicable).

Here's an example of how the field may look :

'link': [
relation: 'self',
url: '',
relation: 'first',
url: '',
relation: 'previous',
url: '',
relation: 'next',
url: '',

To navigate between pages, simply follow the URLs provided in the field.

The searchResourcePages() method of the MedplumClient provides an async generator to simplify the iteration over resource pages.

for await (const patientPage of medplum.searchResourcePages('Patient', { _count: 10 })) {
for (const patient of patientPage) {
console.log(`Processing Patient resource with ID: ${}`);


In this guide, we've discussed how to perform paginated search queries using the _count and _offset search parameters, as well as the the element.